Swisshome, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Swisshome city population is made up of 399 people. Approximately 195 of them are male and 204 are female. The median age of people in Swisshome is 36.3, and the city has a birth and death rate of about 2,845 people per year. The city has a mix of races, with 356 being one race and 43 being of more than one race. It's important to remember that some people are more racially diverse than others.

The Swisshome population is highly educated. In fact, the highest education levels are found among residents of Swisshome. More than 32% of Swisshome's population hold blue-collar jobs. The remaining 40% are employed in white-collar positions. Generally, higher educational levels correlate with a higher walk score. Among those working in the city, higher incomes are correlated with higher noise levels.

The average household income in Swisshome is $35,469, which is lower than the national average. The average household size is 2.54, with a median of $25,909 per person. The average home is built in 1960. Seventy-seven percent of Swisshome's housing units are owner-occupied. About half are mortgaged, with median values of $209,700. The median monthly housing cost is $671.

Administrative Records of the Swiss Home include correspondence, meeting minutes, and official forms. The papers relate to two main topics: erection of a water tower on Society land in Mt. Kisco, and the hiring of a doctor and dentist. A few documents are more specific. The Administrative Records of the Swiss Home City are well worth reading. They will reveal the history of care for the people who lived there.