West Linn, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of West Linn, Oregon is only 4,231 people? That's right, only 4,257 people live in the city, and only 39% of the population is over 65. West Linn is also home to the library, which is part of the Clackamas County Library Information Network. The population of West Linn is composed of both white and non-white residents.

While the population of West Linn is not big compared to its neighbor Portland, it still has some unique features. This quiet city is located in Clackamas County, Oregon and is close to the larger metropolis of Portland. The city features beautiful scenery, charming neighborhoods and a low-key atmosphere. The Willamette River runs along the eastern boarder of the city. The city is mostly residential, with the majority of homes situated along the river.

Despite its small size, the city has a steady growth pattern, albeit a slight decline in recent years. The 1860 census recorded just 225 people. In the 1960 census, it was 2,923 people. In the 1970 census, it hit more than 7,000 people. Since then, West Linn has continued to grow each year and currently stands at around 25,250. There are many reasons for this rapid growth.

The population of West Linn is about 24,000 people, and has a well-educated population. The median income of an individual in West Linn is over $50,000, and more than 80 percent of residents work outside of the city limits. A number of companies in West Linn employ a substantial portion of the city. One of these companies is West Linn Paper Co. This paper manufacturing company produces innovative solutions for paper delivery and production. The company has been around for 130 years.