Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the population and steets of Aaronsburg City, Pennsylvania? Here are some statistics. The city is in Centre County, Pennsylvania. You can use the list below to compare the city to other nearby cities. In Aaronsburg, there are a total of 1,761 households. The city is located in the 75th percentile of all the municipalities in Pennsylvania. Its population and steets are different from those of other nearby areas.

According to the 2010 census, the population of Aaronsburg was 613 people. This figure represents 240 households and one hundred and seventy-five families. While the population is overwhelmingly white, it has a lower Hispanic and black racial breakdown than the US average. It has an average racial makeup of whites, with 0.3% of the population being American Indian. The Hispanic and black race populations are below the state average.

The city had several different neighborhoods. The Old Uptown area was west of Third Street. As a result, the demand for larger, better housing in that area was greater. Higher-income people could afford to live here because they were located closer to the railroad and the central business district. As a result, the 1903 City Directory shows that a large proportion of people living in this area were professional and merchants who had businesses in the uptown and central business districts.

The QuickFacts section of the website contains demographic and housing data. QuickFacts offers information on all states, counties, and cities with populations of five thousand or more. QuickFacts estimates do not compare to other geographic levels due to differences in sampling methods and methodology. To learn more about the methodology and sampling error of the population and steets of Aaronsburg City, click on the icons below: