Alverton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Alverton City, Michigan, is 542 people? This small town has a very diverse demographic, with young people primarily residing in the city. Alberton's median age is 38 years old, and the typical family has 3.4 people. Although it is one of the smaller cities in Michigan, the city still ranks well nationally, with a diversity score of 101.

The overall cost of living in Alberton is below the national average. Although some areas may have higher costs, overall the cost of groceries, utilities, transportation, and miscellaneous goods in Alverton City are lower than the national average. In addition, Alberton's crime rate is below the state average, which is a good sign for those who value their safety and peace of mind. If you're looking for a quiet, relaxing place to live, consider Alverton.

The city is close to Johannesburg and Pretoria, with multiple access roads to all major freeways in the region. The city is located on the banks of the Natal Spruit, and is located 1570 metres above sea level. It has many industrial estates, including a large mining park named after former prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd. The city also has several shopping centres and is part of a walkable, bicycle-friendly zone.

The population of Alberton is 864 people, making it a town with a population of 345 households. Alberton Township lies along Kings Highway 11-71, with its Business Park area located on the eastern section of the highway. Along with the N12Southern Bypass Freeway, the town is also connected to Benoni, eMalahleni, and Kimberley. The N3 Freeway, which traces the Rainy River, runs north-west through Alberton and stretches to Emo.