Aristes, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Aristes is a small town in Pennsylvania. However, you can visit many nearby cities if you are interested in exploring this region. Aristes' population is not large compared to other Pennsylvania cities, so you can explore all of the other towns and cities that are located near Aristes.

Aristes has a population of 262 people. Of these residents, 100% are citizens of the United States. Of these residents, 0.763% were born outside the country. The population of Aristes is overwhelmingly White (non-Hispanic), with 0 percent of residents belonging to any other race.

The median household income in Aristes, PA is $37,054. This is below the national median of $64,994 and is -20.8% lower than the state's average of $64,994. This represents a drop of 4.49% compared to the 2010 census. The median rental cost is $850 per month, while the median house value is $83,100. The median age in Aristes is 54.4 years old, with 53.2 percent of the population being under the age of 18, and 55.6 percent of residents being over the age of 65.

As for the area's demographics, Aristes, PA is a small town on the Susquehanna River. It is about 50 miles west of Scranton and 100 miles from Philadelphia. Aristes is part of the Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA metropolitan area, and has a population of 353, with a growth rate of 8.5% since 2020. Its median home value is $83,100, and the homeownership rate is 95.6%. Most people commute alone to work, and the average household has two cars.