Birdsboro, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A look at the population and steets of the Birdsboro City, Pennsylvania area will reveal some interesting facts. This small city is located in eastern Pennsylvania about 60 miles west of Philadelphia. The weather in this area is mostly pleasant throughout the year, but there are a few months that are particularly cold or unpleasant. Take a look at the chart below to see how your neighborhood stacks up to others.

The population of Birdsboro is made up of a diverse group, including young adults and people who are trying to start families. On a racial and ethnic basis, the average family size in Birdsboro is three people. The city ranks 9920 nationally and 486 on the state's diversity list. Residents of this city are mostly White (Non-Hispanic) with a percentage of Hispanics.

The poverty rate is a key indicator of economic condition in the Birdsboro, PA area. It measures the proportion of people who are living below the poverty line. The lower the number, the more prosperous a society is. However, the poverty rate in Birdsboro is below the national average. The city's poverty rate is lower than that of Malvern and Hereford, PA, indicating that economic conditions in Birdsboro, PA are relatively more prosperous than in neighboring towns.

The quality of life in a neighborhood can be subjective. For example, if a neighborhood has a high percentage of sold homes, that is a good indication of an up and coming area. On the other hand, if home sales are low, it may indicate that current residents are looking to move elsewhere. In this case, it would be beneficial to talk with local residents to get an accurate idea of the quality of life in this area.