Blandburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Blandburg City? This article will answer those questions and more. The city of Blandburg is located in Cambria, Pennsylvania. Its population is estimated to be 4,5,699 in 2020. Below is the population and steets for Blandburg. You can use the Blandburg ZIP Code to copy mail. If you want to write the name of your city, you can use the following format:

The population of Blandburg has been on the decline for the past five years. This trend may be due to several factors, including a single critical incident. A number of short-term events and demographic patterns can cause residents to move out of a town or city. Low birth rates and a high rate of migration can trigger a domino effect that further decreases the population. This can have devastating effects.

Fortunately, Blandburg is relatively safe. The city has a crime rate of 6.93 crimes per thousand residents. However, the northwest section of the city is the safest. It is worth noting that crime rates are as high as one in 134 in northwest neighborhoods, while they are zero in the city's northern part. While these numbers may seem surprising, it's important to remember that crime is where there are people.

While the median house price of Blandburg, PA is $106,506, it's still far less than the US average of $376,286. This is significantly lower than the median price of a house in other similar cities. If you're traveling from outside the region, you may be able to find affordable flights to nearby cities. If you're flying in from out of town, it's best to choose a destination with a major airport.