Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Bloomsburg City, PA? There are 4,418 residents who work in Bloomsburg. They commute to their places of employment by car, 55 take public transportation, and 529 use bicycles. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 2,065 cars per thousand people in Bloomsburg. The population density of Bloomsburg City is higher than the national average, which is 1,478 cars per thousand residents.

The town of Bloomsburg is the county subdivision of Columbia County. It has a C5 Census Class Code. It's an active incorporated place, and is the county subdivision equivalent of Bloomsburg. It contains group quarters, such as nursing homes, prisons, college residence halls, military barracks, and correctional facilities. This information is used to calculate the population and steets of various neighborhoods within the city.

The median age of residents of Bloomsburg, PA was 22.7 years old. This included both native and foreign-born citizens. The median age of non-citizens in Bloomsburg town was 30.5 years old, while that of foreign-born citizens was 59.7. This was lower than the United States' average of 13.5%. Similarly, there were only four people from China living in the town.

Bloomsburg is located in the eastern and northern suburbs of Pennsylvania, and is one of the three official towns in Pennsylvania. The city's downtown features the Columbia County Courthouse. The city's downtown has many multi-story buildings and a high proportion of walk-up apartments. Several private schools are located within the city. You'll find plenty of options in Bloomsburg. Once you've got your map, start exploring the city!