Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the population of Blue Ridge Summit, PA, one can see that the city has a high percentage of White residents. This percentage decreases to zero for Black or African American residents. However, the city does have a number of non-citizens, including legal residents, international students, and temporary workers. The non-citizen population includes illegal immigrants, who are not citizens of the United States.

The ZIP code for Blue Ridge Summit is 17651. The city is located in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. The ZIP code is assigned by the USPS. This default name is used to identify cities and towns. The city's population is listed in both 2010 and 2020 census estimates. Information about its library is included in the ZIP code and addresses. Phone numbers are also listed. The library is located at 220 S. Franklin Avenue.

Another notable landmark in Summit is the Kent Place School. The building was constructed in 1931. Maple Street near downtown is home to the United States Postal Service. The city's southern and eastern boundaries are intersected by Route 24 and Interstate 78. Interstate 78 is only 15 minutes away. The city also has access to the Newark Liberty International Airport, which is accessible by Interstate 78. The city is served by the Newark Star-Ledger daily.

Another notable feature of the city is the new addition of Bojangles to Route 220. This new restaurant adds to the city's retail scene by providing easy ingress to northbound drivers. A drive-through option is also available, which is another plus in a growing corridor. However, it is not just the restaurants and businesses that have made Blue Ridge Summit City such a popular destination.