Bowmanstown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Bowmanstown city, Pennsylvania are surprisingly similar. This map shows violent crime rates per resident and for day visitors. While Bowmanstown has a few high-profile retail businesses, crime rates tend to be lower in residential areas. For this reason, the red areas on the violent crime map don't necessarily indicate a high risk for residents.

The median age of Bowmanstown, PA residents was 41.9 years old in 2018. Native citizens were the majority at 41 years old, while foreign-born citizens made up the rest of the population. The median age for Bowmanstown, PA residents was 41 in 2018 compared to 51 in 2015. Even so, there are also some highly-educated individuals in this city. Bowmanstown, PA residents describe themselves as belonging to several ethnic groups. The most common race reported by residents of Bowmanstown is White, followed by African American.

In 2019, the median property value in Bowmanstown, PA was $141,100, a slightly higher than the national average. Homeownership rates in Bowmanstown, PA were 59.6%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. Almost eighty-one percent of Bowmanstown, PA residents commuted alone to work, which means they drive alone to their jobs. On average, Bowmanstown residents own three cars.

The city has a low percentage of foreign-born residents and the black race is below the state average. The number of college students is below the state average. The population is less educated than average, with only 54% of adults in the age range of 18-24. The number of women in the city is slightly lower than the state average. However, this is indicative of a low level of education.