Bradenville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population and steets of Bradenville City are provided below. You may use the map controls to pan and zoom. The information contained in this map is for reference purposes only. By clicking submit, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You may also view Bradenville's racial diversity report. The data shown below may not reflect all of Bradenville's residents.

The most common racial groups in Bradenville, PA are White, Black, and Native American. Income inequality is lower than the national average of 0.478, which means that workers in Pennsylvania are more evenly distributed than those in other parts of the country. The chart below shows the percentage of households in Bradenville, PA that commute using each mode of transportation. The highest percentage of households have three or more cars.

The highest paid jobs in Bradenville, PA are in Production, Transportation, & Material Moving Occupations and Total Occupations. The employment rate for Bradenville, PA is 6.96% higher than the national average. The top three industries in Bradenville are Manufacturing, Construction, and Health Care & Social Assistance. Some Bradenville residents live in other states, but the Census reports the most recent data for Bradenville.

The overall population of Bradenville City is predominantly white. However, the percentage of people of foreign descent and Hispanic race is much lower than the state average. The proportion of people with a bachelor's degree is significantly lower than the state average. In addition, the number of households with children is low. Finally, the percentage of vacancies is low. These are just a few of the facts about Bradenville City's population and steets.