Branchton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Branchton doesn't even exist. The census office lists 888 places in Florida, but Branchton only has four hundred people. Residents of Branchton include lawyers, iron welders, professors, bankers, truck drivers, and even Tram mechanics. This small town is in the northeast part of Hillsborough County. A quick google search of Branchton, Florida will show you the town is home to many people.

The ZIP code for Branchton is 16021. You can use this to search for the city you are trying to find in the database. Alternatively, you can search for nearby cities that are closer to Branchton. Then, you can use the ZIP code to find flights that go to nearby cities. For example, you could search for flights to New York or Chicago. These are two options if you're planning to travel outside of Branchton.

Census data are available by postcode or by street. You can search the area by clicking on the "Show Census Area Covered" button below the map. You can then find the population estimates, the number of homes, and other demographic data for Branchton City. If you'd like to learn more about the area, check out QuickFacts. The census data is updated every 10 years.