Brandamore, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in Brandalmore City. The chart shows the percentage of residents who are of a certain race. Specifically, it shows the percentage of people with Ukrainian ancestry. In Brandamore, more people of Ukrainian ancestry live in the city than in any other neighborhood. Of the people living in Brandamore, 5.1% are Ukrainian.

The city is located in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The ZIP code for Brandamore, PA is 19316. This ZIP code is the only one for Brandamore. This ZIP code belongs to Chester County. Make sure to use the full name of the city to avoid confusion. Abbreviated city names are usually listed as unacceptable. To make sure that your search results will be accurate, make sure to use the full name of the city.

There are 320 people living in Brandamore. About 73% of the population is under the age of 20. Of those under age 20, 34% live in single-parent households, and the rest is divided among two and three-parent households. People in Brandamore are primarily white, with only a small number of people of another race. Those of color are often able to tell if their neighborhood is safe or dangerous.

The median household and family income for Brandamore City were $61,109 and $62,984, respectively. Males and females, on the other hand, earned $38,000 and $27,500, respectively. These statistics are used to determine the number of street children in the city. The median age of people in Brandamore City is 32 years. The population is made up of 393 households.