Brockport, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about Brockport City, New York, then you've come to the right place. Here you can find out the Population & Steets of Brockport City. It's a small town with a big heart, but that doesn't mean it's unworthy of a look! There are some great places to stay in this little town.

The most common mode of transportation for residents of Brockport, NY is by car. A total of 2,808 residents commuted to work by car, while 629 people walked or took the trolley bus. Families with incomes below the poverty line are considered low-income. The majority of people in Brockport, NY work in sales or office-related occupations. The population of Brockport is comprised of two-thirds whites.

The following list includes the major cities and towns nearest to Brockport City. They are listed below in order of distance. Listed below are some of the nearby towns, cities, and airports. You can also use this list to determine how far you can travel to reach your destination. With this list, you can find cities within 100 miles of Brockport City. It's not difficult to find the closest place to live or commute to work.

The median household income for residents in ZIP code 14420 is $54,643. This figure is slightly lower than that of other parts of New York. Money isn't everything. In Brockport City, residents earn considerably less than the rest of the state. Even if it is less than the national average, it's still worth noting. You'll be glad you did. If you want to know the demographics of Brockport City, check out the Census data!