Bruin, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Bruin City are quite comparable with those of other cities of the same size in the state of Georgia. Bruin City is a city in Georgia with a median household income of $43,654. The number of eviction cases is also comparable with Harrisville, Georgia, and Gibsonia, Georgia, both of which have higher rates. Despite these differences, there are a few common characteristics that make Bruin a desirable place to live.

The zip code of Bruin City is 16022. You can find more detailed information about this ZIP code, including a list of neighboring ZIP codes, a map, and more. When you enter a ZIP code, it indicates the city, town, or organization that the address belongs to. The ZIP+4 extension is the last four numbers of the ZIP code, so if you're wondering how to find the zip code of a city, try entering "bruin" in the search box.

Bruin has a total population of 379 people of voting age. The majority of residents are male (49.9%) and female (50.1%). There are also 12.4% of residents over 65 years of age. Bruin's demographics show that 99.6% of its residents are White, and 0.4% identify as Hispanic. Almost half of its people speak English as a second language.