Coaldale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to find out more about the population and steets of Coaldale, PA, you may want to consider finding out how many people live there. The population of Coaldale is just over 31,000, and if you are interested in knowing how many people live in the city, then this article will provide you with some interesting statistics. For example, you can find out how many people commute daily by car and how many commute by foot.

The median home value in Coaldale is $48,500. This is less than half the national median home value of $306,081 and is lower than the Pennsylvania average of $51,248. Those who live in Coaldale are mostly homeowners, with a 73.5% homeownership rate. Most people in Coaldale, PA are single, with an average commute time of 27.5 minutes each way. A majority of Coaldale residents drive alone to work, with a high school diploma being the most common educational attainment. However, if you are looking for Coaldale, PA real estate, you may want to consider a neighborhood with a lower median home value.

The first home built in the area was John Moser's home. Coaldale Hospital opened on July 11, 1910. It was originally designed for 30 patients, but quickly reached a capacity of 68. It was originally divided into two wards for men and two for women. Its south porch was enclosed, and two additional rooms were built. The hospital also added eight beds. It was located on the eastern side of the city, east of Seek.