Cokeburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics will give you an overview of the Population & Steets in Cokenburg City, Pennsylvania. You'll learn about its median household income and how it compares to that of its neighboring and parent cities. This table shows that 92.4% of Cokeburg's residents live below the poverty level. Most people in Cokeburg commute to work by car, while 7.63% take public transportation. You can find out what each mode of transportation is used for in the community by looking at the chart below.

The Cokeburg city population is about 7,500 people. It is located in west-central Pennsylvania, at the confluence of the Ohio River and the Allegheny River. This city was once a major center for rough steelmaking. There is only one blast furnace in the city, and a variety of other industries make up the rest of its economy. Alcoa, PNC Bank, and HJ Heinz are some of the leading companies in the area, which are both in the steel and food industries.

The median household income of the residents of Cokeburg, PA is $35,750. This is less than half the national average, but is up 10.3% yearly. Cokeburg's median household income is below the national average, but it is higher than the national average and the state average for Cokeburg. Its median household income is slightly higher than the national average, but lower than the median income in Pennsylvania.