Cowanesque, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Safe is Cowanesque City? You can find out by using Vivint's population and crime map. This interactive map shows crime rates per 1,000 residents in Cowanesque. Crime is not uncommon in Cowanesque, but it is not nearly as bad as in other places. The southeast area of the city is considered the safest. However, if you're worried about crime in Cowanesque, you may want to check out the state and county violent crime maps.

This picturesque river city is located in the Town of Lindley, New York, but technically lies in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania. The bridge over the Cowanesque River is the best place to see it. The banks of the river are lined with both native and non-native plants. The water itself is clear, but the Army Corps of Engineers releases silt from the dam whenever they want, making the water brown.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 495 households in the city, of which 14.9% are families. Another 14.7% are single-person households. The median age was 39 years. The ratio of male to female is 3:1. Males outnumber females in the city, but this ratio is reversed in rural areas. Therefore, the population is more densely populated in rural areas.

The earliest settlement in Cowanesque City dates back to the 17th century. The Beecher family settled on Beecher's Island, which was known as Beecher's Island until the county was divided. The township is formed by a branch of the Cowanesque River, which branches off about a mile west of the village. This branch eventually rejoins the parent stream. In 1879, the Beechers lived in the village and raised a family there.