Crum Lynne, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Crum Lynne City? According to the United States Census Bureau, 81.2% of the city's population is white, 16.2% are black, and 3.6% are Hispanic. The median household income in Crum Lynne is $38,702, while the average household income is $45,028. The city's high school graduation rate is 69%.

Listed below are the numbers for the Crum Lynne, Pennsylvania population. This small town has an estimated population of 3,561 people and 1,516 households. The median housing value is $118,343 and the average household size is 2.42. The population of Crum Lynne is expected to decrease by -1.16% by 2040. Crum Lynne is made up of primarily single-family homes and condominiums.

The average crime rate in Crum Lynne is below the national and Pennsylvania state averages. This is because Crum Lynne has a low rate of violent crime. Crime rates are higher in the north and west parts of the city, while they are lower in the south and east. If you're wondering where in Crum Lynne is the safest place to live, check out the crime map. You'll be surprised by how much safer the city is than in other areas.

The city has a total of 3,906 residents, including 1,939 males and 1,967 females. The median age of the male population is 34.9, while that of the female population is 35. There are approximately 6,913 births and 5,886 deaths every year. The city's race breakdown fluctuates annually, but as of the last census, there are 3,840 residents of one race and 66 of another.