Crystal Spring, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population and steets of Crystal Springs, MD, you've come to the right place. We've compiled the most relevant data for you and are happy to share it with you. Here is a quick breakdown of Crystal Spring City. Once you know how many people live there, you'll have no problem planning your trip. And as long as you don't mind spending a bit of time online, you'll be able to find out more about the neighborhood's history.

The population of Crystal Springs is made up of primarily white people, with 50.3% of residents belonging to non-Hispanic race. Other races include 1.9% American Indian, 3.2 percent Asian, and 0.2% Native Hawaiian. One in three residents is Hispanic, while 34.2% of the population is white. Nearly half of the residents speak English at home, while the remainder speak Spanish at home. Moreover, 40.7% of the population has a college degree or higher.

The city is surrounded by several natural parks. Creek Park is one of them. The park stretches between Diamond Valley and Ouray and follows the western banks of Deep Creek until it meets the Colorado River. There are also several public hot springs in this area. If you would like more information about the community center, you can visit its website or call the community center. There are many events and festivals in the city throughout the year. Among them are the Robert Johnson Music Festival, Chautauqua Lake Fall Flower and Garden Fest, and Bike Rally.