Curwensville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table contains data on the Population & Steets of Curwensville City. Curwensville is a borough of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, Curwensville is 45 miles north of Altoona. At the turn of the twentieth century, the town was largely dependent on coal mining, tanning, and fire brick manufacturing.

The population of Curwensville is composed of a large age range, with 22.8% of the population under age eighteen. The median age for males is 38.6, while the median age for females is 41. The number of births and deaths in Curwensville is approximately 2,359 people. The median home value is $104,100. This city has a large population of students and retirees.

The most common racial or ethnic group in Curwensville is White. One percent of the population is Hispanic. Another important demographic is home ownership. About 95% of Curwensville's population owns a home. This may be relevant to local advertising. The median household income in Curwensville, PA is $36,189. The average household income is $44,524. The average high school graduate earns approximately $83,000 per year. About 49% of residents drop out of college.

Depending on the area you choose, you can view the racial composition of Curwensville by neighborhood. Red areas indicate a higher racial percentage, while green areas show a lower racial diversity. The higher the number of people of one race in an area, the more diverse the area. If you want to learn more about the people of Curwensville, visit the following site.