Daisytown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Daisytown, Pennsylvania has a population of 977 people. 51.5% of residents are female and 48.5% are male. The state's median income is $39,426 and the average household income is $50,155. The city also has a 78% high school graduation rate. If you are considering advertising in Daisytown, check out the latest census information and the most current demographics.

To find out more information about Daisytown, Pennsylvania, you can visit its official website. It features maps and demographics for the area. These maps are interactive, and you can move and zoom around as you like. However, the information provided is for informational purposes only. You may want to use them for reference only.

Daisytown's population density is low, but the number of crimes per resident may seem high. The city has very few retail businesses and few residents, so many crimes happen in areas where there are few people. However, this does not necessarily mean that crime is dangerous for residents.

Daisytown, PA has a population of 1,547 people. Its median household income is $53,438, lower than the average of $64,994 in the U.S., although it is higher than the average for Pennsylvania. There are 151 households in Daisytown with incomes between $10,000 and $50,000 and 117 households with incomes above $100,000. The area has a strong educational base, which allows the city to grow economically.