Dallastown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the population & steets of Dallastown City? This city is about the same size as Windsor, Pennsylvania, but smaller than it. Its population is mostly made up of single individuals. Besides that, the population of Dallastown is in the middle of the locality. In terms of family size, Dallastown is about the same size as Windsor, which is about twenty percent bigger.

The population of Dallastown is composed of a wide variety of racial and ethnic groups. The city is home to approximately 63.9% white residents, 12.3% African Americans, 0.7% American Indian, 5.4% Asian, and 2.6% Hispanic. In the 2010 census, the city was home to about 44,000 people. In the city of Dallastown, 0% of the population is native American.

The population of Dallastown is estimated to be 4,5,699 by 2020. The city is located in the Pennsylvania state of York. The USPS has a single default name for the town, which is the same as the city's official name. You'll find the ZIP code, street name, and state name on the Dallastown - School page. A closer look at the ZIP code will give you a better idea of the city's demographics.

The average household income of the people living in Dallastown City is $37,500. It is higher than 70.0% of other neighborhoods in the United States. Only 1.2% of children in Dallastown live below the federal poverty line, a lower percentage compared to neighboring cities. This means that Dallastown has a higher quality of life for its residents than most other communities in the state. So, if you're looking for a new home in Dallastown, make sure you check the population & steets in Dallastown before you move in.