Emlenton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Emlenton is a city in the state of Pennsylvania. The population of Emlenton is 605 people. Of this total, 100% are citizens. There are also 0.661% of the population that were born outside the country. The top 5 ethnic groups in the city are: White (Non-Hispanic), Asian (Non-Hispanic), and Black (Hispanic).

The median property value in Emlenton is $89,300, and there are a total of 546 people of voting age. Of those who vote, 68.9% are male and 32.9% are female. Seventeen percent of the population is 65 and older. The majority of residents live in homes that are owned by the homeowner.

The population is made up of many different types of households. The majority of households consist of married couples. However, a significant percentage of households are non-families. The rest of the population is comprised of single individuals. In 2010, the average household size was 2.42.

The median household income in Emlenton, PA is $55,000. This is lower than the average in the United States. Females in Emlenton make an average of $54,196. The income inequality of this city is 0.466, which is lower than the national average. There are 329 people employed in Emlenton, PA. Of these, 84 people work in the manufacturing industry. In addition, 17.4% of the population works for the state or federal government.