Huntington Mills, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know about the Population & Steets in Huntington Mills City, PA? Are you planning a road trip or a weekend getaway to the area? If so, it's worth checking out nearby towns. To get a quick overview of the area, click on the map below and enter the city's zip code. You can then search for cities within 100 miles of the city.

The zip code for Huntington Mills is 18622. This ZIP code is in the Luzerne County of Pennsylvania, United States. The city has a population of approximately 257. You can find the Huntington Mills ZIP Code on a map. The ZIP Code is divided into several zones. These zones are a combination of ZIP codes that can be used to locate different areas.

There are approximately 130,687 households in Huntington Mills. Of these households, 84,729 are families. The households are divided into three categories: married couple families (63,725), single-person households (14,360), and nonfamily households (46,383). This means that the city is not very diverse. The demographics of Huntington Mills are generally stable.

The Huntington Mills population is approximately the same as that of the state of Missouri. The city is located about 20 miles south of Price and about 32 kilometers from Interstate 55. The community does not have extensive retail businesses, although it did have a flour mill in 1892. This mill provided local farmers with feed, flour, and cereals. The city's high school was established in 1915 and later renamed North Emery High. It served as the focal point of the community until 1962.