Knox Dale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Knox dale, PA are important statistics to look at. These statistics are vital to make informed decisions regarding the area you are considering. The city of Knox Dale is located in Pennsylvania and is comprised of about 2,000 people. Listed below is the population for the city and ZIP code, as well as the corresponding zip code. Regardless of your personal preferences, you can find the most up-to-date information about Knox Dale, PA.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are a total of 5,378 people living in the zip code 77003. Compared to the state average of 6.13 per 10,000, the population of this community is lower than average. Almost 10% of the residents were born outside of the United States. In Knox Dale City, the percentage of foreign-born residents is below the state average. Interestingly, the percentage of households with two cars is much higher than the state average.

While Knoxdale-Merivale is a growing community, it has a relatively low population. Its median household income is less than the state average, and the median house value is well below the city average. The city's foreign-born population and institutionalized population are below the state averages. Residents of this area are more likely to be married and have children than those in the surrounding areas.