Kresgeville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of the Kresgeville City, Indiana area, you should know that there are 665 people living there. Of those people, 317 are males and 348 are females. The median age is 38.1, and the average yearly death rate is 1,154. Of those people, 661 are of one race, while 4 are of more than one race.

When it comes to education levels, the population of Kresgeville falls into two categories, white-collar jobs and service industries. The median household income is $61,500 while the average household income is $72,234. The ratio of men to women is 0.97, and the population is 244.8% white, 5.7% black, and 3.4% Hispanic. Most of the citizens have completed high school, with 73% completing college. Five percent of the population, however, did not pursue further education.

The ZIP code for Kresgeville is 18333. This code is specific to Kresgeville and its surrounding areas. Usually, the city is listed as the primary post office. Once you know the ZIP code, you can search for a specific address in the Kresgeville area. When searching for a residence, try looking for an address within the ZIP code and see what it says.