Monroeton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Monroeton City, PA, you've come to the right place. There are approximately 1,716 people living in Monroeton, PA. Of those, approximately 550 are under the age of 20 years old. This figure includes individuals who are married with children, but are not yet 20 years old. The 18-to-64 age group consists of 1,214 people.

The rate of violent crime in Monroeton is 2.89 per 1,000 residents. The northeast part of the city is the safest neighborhood in Monroeton, with a chance of being a victim of violent crime being as low as 1 in 557. Although this statistic isn't intuitive, it does give a good idea of where violent crime is most likely to occur. For example, the map below shows the violent crime rate in Monroeton City by neighborhood. The map is based on a simple count, and resembles the state's population maps.

During the 19th century, the city grew rapidly. A large industrial complex was built on the site of the old Newark canal, providing the town with a late burst of growth. The Patterson Screen Company was founded at 9 Huston St. and was run by Patterson and his partner. Patterson Screen was a forerunner to GTE and DuPont, two of the town's largest employers.