Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Mount-Bethel City? The following table will give you the information that you need to know. This information will be useful for traveling to other towns in the region or for booking flights to other major cities. These cities are approximately four hours or so from Mount Bethel, GA. Listed below is a list of the nearest big cities to Mount Bethel, GA.

The first step to determine the racial makeup of the area is to find the most representative census data. The map below displays racial composition in Mount Bethel by area. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. Alternatively, you can see the diversity score of the area by looking at the color of the areas. Green areas are more diverse than red ones. In other words, a neighborhood with a large diversity score has more ethnic mix.

Another important step in the history of Mount Bethel City was the construction of a new church. This church was the second largest church in Daytona Beach and was the first permanent structure in WAYCROSS, which was a section of the Black community. Reverend A.L. James built the church on the site of the old Mt. Bethel Baptist Institutional Church in 1885. He served as the church's first pastor for 18 years.