Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Mount Lebanon City is a big city in western Pennsylvania. It is located near the confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River. There are more than three thousand residents in the city. If you want to find out the demographics of Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania, you will want to check out the demographics map. You can also learn more about the local area by reading up on its history.

The population of Mount Lebanon City was 30,803 in 2011. This city's median household income was $74,003, making it a middle-class area. The unemployment rate was about 30%. For every 100 residents aged 18 and above, there were eighty-one other residents. This means that the city's population is more diverse than it was just a few years ago. This diversity reflects the many cultural and religious groups that make it a great place to live.

The climate of the city varies greatly, but can be broadly categorized into two distinct types: Mediterranean and subtropical. The temperature in Beirut is typically 21degC, with temperatures ranging from thirteen degrees Celsius in winter to 28 degrees in summer. The average temperature is 21 degrees Fahrenheit, and the city experiences both snow and hot weather. While the average temperature varies, the range is not too far off from the Mediterranean coast.