Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Ohiopyle City is slightly older than the average for the United States. The median age is 44.5 years, 6.6 years older than the national average. Eight percent of residents in Ohiopyle are 65 years or older, compared to 15.2% of the entire U.S. population. Interestingly, the population of Ohiopyle has the lowest rate of divorce, at 0.7%.

The most common racial groups living below the poverty line are White, Black, and Native American. The poverty line is based on a set of income thresholds that varies by family size and composition. A family with an income below this threshold is considered to be in poverty. The majority of residents in Ohiopyle are employed in Management Occupations, followed by Sales & Related Occupations and Fire Fighting & Other Protective Service Workers including Supervisors.

The median income in Ohiopyle, PA is $90,313. Men make 1.3 times as much as women in the town, but both genders are equally likely to be happy. In addition to the median income, Ohiopyle residents earn an average of $44,626. Overall, the population of Ohiopyle, PA is 34 people. Five people work in Retail Trade, four in Health Care & Social Assistance, and two in Public Administration. A total income of $30,625 is earned in this town.