Pine Grove Mills, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Pine Grove Mills City, Pennsylvania? If so, you have come to the right place. Below you will find the latest census data on Pine Grove Mills City, PA. The population is categorized by age and race. The top three highest paying industries in Pine Grove Mills are Education, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Professional, Scientific, & Management Services.

The population is spread out. Of the total population, 1.46k are White, non-Hispanic. The next most prevalent ethnic groups are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), and Korean War veterans. 0% of Pine Grove Mills' residents are hispanic. However, this percentage is lower than the national average. The median age of the city is 39 years.

The poverty rate in Pine Grove Mills, PA is 0% for Whites, and 4.97% for Non-Whites. However, while Whites are the most common people living below the poverty line, people of color are the least likely. The poverty rate in Pine Grove Mills is 0.00% for full-time workers and 4.97% for non-workers. The median age of residents is sixty-two years old, and they are mainly White.