Pocono Pines, PA has a population of 1,023 people. A majority of those are owner-occupied. Among those who are owner-occupied, the gender ratio is 53% male to 46% female. This is close to the Pennsylvania average of 49.0% to 50.8%, while it's much lower than the national average. This city has a large population of Vietnam veterans.
Pocono Pines is in the Monroe county, Pennsylvania, United States. The zip code is 18350. It contains information about schools, parks, libraries, and museums. The city's population is given in 2010 and 2020. You can learn more about the city's history and culture by checking out its website.
Violent crime in Pocono Pines is 3.38 crimes per 1,000 people. The southeast portion of the city is considered the safest area. West neighborhoods have a higher risk of violent crimes, while southeast neighborhoods have a lower rate. You should understand that comparing violent crime rates isn't as easy as it sounds.
Pocono Pines is home to 520 households. About 6% of those households earn less than the poverty level. Of those households, 268 are in the lower income bracket and 111 earn more than that. As a whole, this city has an income inequality of 0.466 compared to the national average.