Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Punxsutawney City is 10.4% larger than the rest of Pennsylvania? Compared to the rest of the state, it has a lower per capita income than Pennsylvania. The city is also smaller, at approximately 1/100th the size of Pennsylvania. Nonetheless, it is home to many famous and interesting people. So what are the population & steets of Punxsutawney?

While there are many factors that determine a community's overall diversity, some statistics are unique to Punxsutawney. For example, the percentage of people born in Eastern Asia, South Central Asia, and North America is much higher here than anywhere else in the U.S. While many other cities boast high percentages of people born in those continents, Punxsutawney is home to the highest percentage of people born in Oceania.

Aside from the city's diversity, Punxsutawney also has its fair share of volunteer fire departments. The local fire department is comprised of three volunteer companies: the Central Fire Department (Jefferson County Station 20), Elk Run Volunteer Fire Company (PFC), and Lindsey Fire Company. The two organizations work together to protect the community and provide emergency services to the people of Punxsutawney.

The city is home to many languages. While English is the dominant language in Punxsutawney City, other significant languages include Polish and Italian. There are also several languages spoken in the Borough Center neighborhood. The majority of residents in Punxsutawney City identify as German or Irish, though Italian and Polish are also important. This diversity is evident from the fact that the area is home to many immigrants.