Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Roaring Spring City, PA, you've come to the right place. These stats will help you find out where to live, and the best part is, they're completely free! Just use the links below to view the latest population data and more. We also have other statistics about this city, including its schools and population.

The median age of all residents of Roaring Spring is 35.9, with both native-born and foreign-born people in the same age group. While this is a slightly lower number than the 35.9 median age for the entire city of Roaring Spring, PA, it still represents an impressive percentage of the local population. The majority of foreign-born residents live in India, where 89,459 people call home. Another large number of foreign-born residents come from the Dominican Republic and India, respectively.

Roaring Springs was originally settled around Big Spring, a clean, dependable source of water for the town's paper mill. The town's population grew as the mill expanded and adjoining tracts were acquired for the community. Today, the city is home to the Roaring Spring Water Bottling Company, the borough building, and the town's public library, which was originally the Eldon Inn.

The median rent in Roaring Spring was $491/mo in 2010 (after accounting for utility bills and building costs). While the rent burden of residents in this city is higher than in the rest of Pennsylvania, the neighboring cities, Petersburg and Coalport, had rent burdens of only 34.9%, respectively. Additionally, Roaring Spring had a 27.3% rent burden (2016), which is higher than the state average.