Roseto, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Rosetto City are important numbers to know, especially if you are thinking of relocating to the area. These numbers come from ESRI and Census data. In Roseto, the renter-occupied housing units are higher than the national average, and this trend suggests that the local economy is deteriorating. However, the high percentage of evictions might not necessarily mean that everything is fine in Roseto.

The City of Roseto is a mid-sized city complex located in east-central Pennsylvania, approximately 20 miles from the New Jersey border. The climate in Roseto is warm and pleasant in the months of June, August, September, and October, while the coldest months are January and August. For more information on the population of Roseto, see the map below. It shows the streets of Roseto as well as the surrounding towns.

In Roseto, the first permanent resident Catholic priest was Father Pasquale De Nisco. He educated hundreds of people and encouraged parents to send their children to school. In addition, he organized the American Federation of Labor, directing a strike in 1944 to raise the daily wages for workers. It's difficult to forget that our ancestors were not always so friendly. The borough was once a center for farming and fishing, and many residents of Roseto are looking back to simpler times.

Although this area may look small, it is home to a diverse population. Roseto's poverty rate is 12.4%, with children living in 8.4% of households. The median household income in Roseto is $52,734 per person. The city has a low unemployment rate of 1%, and a high percentage of residents have a college degree. The city also has a low unemployment rate, and the poverty rate is 7.9%.