Russellton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics of Russellton aren't too different from those of other cities. The population is 1,391 people, and 49.0% of the population is male and 51.0% is female. This is higher than the Pennsylvania average of 49.0% to 50.8%, which is considered relatively safe. The same holds true for crime, with the exception of petty theft, which is more common in the city's southwest section.

A majority race map shows the percentage of residents of that race who self-identified as black or white on the U.S. census. Darker shades indicate a larger racial majority. The racial diversity score of Russellton is also included on this page. The darker the shade, the more ethnic diversity there is. Diversity is good if there are many different races living in a small community.

A city should have a variety of neighborhoods so that everyone feels welcome and comfortable. Russellton, Maine, has a higher than average livability score, which is a ranking of a city based on the sum of several different factors. These factors include crime, cost of living, education, and overall happiness. Its overall livability score is higher than the state average, so this city is a good choice for those seeking a comfortable place to live.

The population of Russellton is forecasted to be 1,308 in 2020, which represents a slight decrease from the 2010 census. The city has a 5.96 percent poverty rate. The median rent in recent years is $783 per month, while the median home value is $120,200. The median age in Russellton is 48 years old, with 44.9 percent of men and 56.5 percent of women.