Spring Brook Township, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Springbrook Township City, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. You can find all sorts of statistics about this city right here. Below you'll find a list of nearby towns and cities. Take advantage of this list to explore the community and plan a trip. Or, use the list to see what is nearby Spring Brook, PA.

Spring Brook Township's population is just over 17,000, but there are still many people who live in the city. The median age in the city is 42.2, compared to 48.6 for the rest of the state. The median age is also broken down by gender. The median age is higher than that of neighboring Moscow. Moreover, the median age for a woman is younger than that of a man in Spring Brook Township.

The region is a mixed bag when it comes to ethnic makeup. Spring Brook township has the highest birth rate of all the towns in the region, with over 60% of babies being born to women aged 20-24. Spring Brook is second only to Scranton in terms of unwed births. It's worth noting that it is home to the second largest number of foreign-born residents in Pennsylvania.

The area was first populated by Irish immigrants in the late nineteenth century. The Prudden and Armstrong families built a brickyard there, which was later purchased by Robert Foote, who redeveloped it to become a townhome complex on Columbia Road. In addition, Garden-style apartment buildings were built in the Madison Avenue Township Village in the 1960s. In addition, Old Forge East and West were built along Speedwell Avenue. Liberty Green was built on Punch Bowl Road.