Uledi, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Uledi City? The Uledi population is roughly 4,000 people, according to the 2010 census. The city is located in the Township of South Union, a minor civil division in Fayette County. Uledi is located in the Eastern Time Zone, or -5 hours ahead of the Greenwich Mean Universal Time. In contrast, the United Kingdom's average population is around 500,000 people.

The table below shows the percentage of the Uledi population that is over 25 years old. The areas highlighted in green are more diverse than those in red. Diverse neighborhoods are characterized by a mix of races. An all-white or all-black neighborhood in Uledi would be considered lacking in diversity. In contrast, the area outlined in green represents the most diverse Uledi neighborhoods.

Uledi is home to about 90 people, with 45 males and 45 females. The median age for the female population is 45.5 years old. In addition, the city has a rate of 1,537 births and 1,815 deaths every year. The city's race breakdown varies every year. There are 90 people in the city who are white, one race, two races, or none.