Windber, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a variety of reasons why you should find out the Population & Steets in Winder City, Pennsylvania. The area's mining history and population make it a prime location for such research. Read on to discover more. Here's a summary of Windber's population data. It may be surprising to learn that Windber had a higher than average number of foreign-born residents.

The population of Windber, PA is comprised of 3,141 people of voting age. This number is divided between males and females. The majority of residents are 55 years or older. The racial makeup of Windber is predominantly White, with about 0.9% Asian or Two-or-more races. One percent of Windber's residents identify as Hispanic. This fact shows that Windber is an ethnically diverse area.

The median household income in Windber is $33,986 per year. There are 36 Asian non-Hispanic residents, thirty-two Two+ non-Hispanic citizens, and seven black people. This city's poverty rate is 2.8%, which is lower than the national average. The population of Windber, PA is divided among the three largest industries: Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. Of these, two-and-a-half thousand people are employed in the three biggest industries in the city. The highest-paying industries in Windber, PA are Education & Training, Manufacturing, and Transportation & Wareduring.

The main axes of Windber are 15th Street and Graham Avenue. The city's commercial center is centered on 15th Street, where the Berwind-White Building, the company headquarters, and the main branch of the Eureka Department Store are located. The main streets of the town extend eastward to the train station and the historic district radiates to Graham Avenue, which is the center of the central business district. The high-style houses of the company management are located on higher ground, while the homes of the public are located on the lower portion.