Yardley, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the city of Yardley, PA, you have come to the right place. This article will provide you with an overview of Yardley's population, as well as a few statistics that you may find interesting. Listed below is some information on the city's racial makeup. Yardley is home to a wide range of people - 89.1% are White, 7.9% are Black, and 4.4% are Asian. Those who are Hispanic or Asian are also well represented in this city, but they are not very common.

Demographics in Yardley City show that the average person has at least a bachelor's degree. Of these people, 35% have a master's degree or professional degree. In Yardley, the population is comprised of three categories. One-fourth is employed in the service industry, while seventy-one percent of the population is employed in a white-collar position.

The city was incorporated as a borough in 1895. It is located in the Lower Makefield Township. By 1880, it had a population of 820. Early industries in the area included a spoke and handle factory, a saw mill, and a felloe factory. In addition, a mill was built nearby. The Reading Railroad also made Yardley part of its network. Afton Elementary School was built in the adjacent lot.

The Yardley Borough Municipal Offices are located at 56 South Main Street. The community is 27 miles northeast of Philadelphia. The town is bordered by the Township of Lower Makefield. It features scenic view sheds, wetlands, and wooded areas. In addition, the Delaware Canal is an important natural feature in Yardley. The borough has several historical sites, and is safe and friendly. This city has a great school district, and is known for its welcoming nature.