Zelienople, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to get a good idea of how many people live in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, you need to know the population and steets of the city. The following tables provide the population and steets of the city. You can also see how many people commute by bus, walk, or car. This data comes from the 2020 American Community Survey. US Census Bureau updates these tables yearly and does not guarantee accuracy.

The Wealth Index is a measure of wealth that is based on a number of indicators, including average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. A value above 100 indicates affluence above the national average, while a value below 100 shows a low standard of living. The Wealth Index for Zelienople City compares the city to all other places in Pennsylvania, ranked by July 1, 2021 data.

The population of Zelienople City, PA is estimated to reach 20,000 by 2020. Its residents are primarily white, and most people are employed in a variety of industries. Zelienople is a great place to do business, with numerous retail and restaurant options. There is an acclaimed museum that will delight you with its historical collection, which is located in an elegant house in the center of town.

Demographics are another important factor in comparing the two cities. In Zelienople, the median age is 43 years, which is about midrange in the surrounding metro area. The highest median age is 49.8 years in nearby Ellport. The median age is also similar to the overall median age of the city, but the women are a bit older. If you are planning to retire in Zelienople, you will want to know more about its population.