North Kingstown, Rhode Island Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of North Kingstown City is about 30,000. The city has a mix of whites and Natives. In general, the city is considered to be safe for families with children. Located on Long Island, it is a good place to raise children if they are able to speak English well. The median age of residents in North Kingstown City is about 36 years old. In North Kingstown, the proportion of people under the age of 20 is relatively low, while the median age is between 60 and 69.

The town of North Kingstown is located 24 miles south of downtown Providence. It is surrounded by cities and towns such as Warwick, Exeter, Jamestown, Middletown, and South Kingstown. The population of this city is approximately 26,235. The median age is 45. The town is home to a large number of military bases and prisons, which is another reason why it is an excellent place to raise a family.

The population of North Kingstown is 10.115 people, while 91 people are on bicycles. The city also has 58 trolley buses. These numbers are based on the most recent American Community Survey. US Census Bureau updates this data every year and cannot guarantee their accuracy. This information is intended for reference purposes only. Please consult the official sources for more information. The United States Census Bureau provides the following data for public use.