Awendaw, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a look at the Population & Steets in Awendaw City. The information on the map comes from the U.S. Census Bureau. There are numerous ways to find this information, including using a free census mapping tool. You can also find out how many residents live in a block by requesting a copy of your local census. You can also search the U.S. Census website to see what area of Awendaw is the most diverse.

The population of Awendaw is approximately 3,300 people. There are many areas where this number can fluctuate, but the city is considered a small one. The average number of people living in Awendaw is 53 years old. This figure is based on a census taken in the city during the year 2011.

The town of Awendaw was incorporated in 1992. The first mayor of Awendaw was Willam H. Alston, who held the position until 2009.

Awendaw is a coastal city on the South Carolina coast. There are many beaches in the area, and Awendaw real estate is some of the best in the state. However, the house values aren't anywhere near the most expensive real estate in the United States. That means that you'll have to search carefully to find the right place to buy your home.