Chappells, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of Chappells, SC, the population is just about perfect. The streets are paved, and the city has a weekly newspaper. In addition, residents take great pride in maintaining their homes, yards, and business places. If you plan to visit Chappells City, SC, here's a quick guide. Once you've read it, you'll be ready to make your next vacation plan!

The per capita income of residents in Chappell is $39,310. This is a relatively low figure when compared to the state and the nation, but it still falls below the national average of 27.0%. In contrast, the rent burden in neighboring cities like Hay Springs and Hershey is lower, at 20.0% and 19.2%, respectively. Chappells City has a high percentage of renters. However, the city's low poverty rate makes it hard to make a living here.

The area's high rate of married couples is a sign of its high quality of life. Its proportion of people with children is also an indicator of the area's high quality of life. The city is home to a high percentage of families, with seventy-four percent of households headed by a married couple. The city has one of the lowest rates of single-parent households in the surrounding area, with only 6.7% of households headed by a female.

The population of Chappells CCD shows that it is 50% single. This is about the same as the state average for single people. However, the population density of Mountville CDP is nearly double Chappells CCD's population. This area has the highest proportion of seniors, while its least number of young people resides there. You can also use this information to determine the number of single women in the city.