Charleston Afb, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Charleston Afb City? This article will give you a good idea of the numbers of the population in this area. There are 1,543 dwellings in this area. While there are fewer crime statistics for Charleston Afb City than most other cities, it's still advisable to exercise caution whenever you travel to this part of the country.

The population of Charleston Afb City is 2,264, with a male-to-female ratio of roughly equal. The crime rate is low compared to other cities, and it has a low violent crime rate. There are many things to do in Charleston Afb City, including exploring its beautiful beaches. Also, it is home to the South Carolina Aquarium. This city offers plenty of things to do for military families and their dependents.

A large part of the Charleston community works at Boeing Aircraft, and has an international reputation for its airplanes. It is one of the three places in the world to build wide-body commercial aircraft. This also makes North Charleston a leader in retail sales. The city surpassed Columbia, South Carolina, by nearly two billion dollars in 2012! In addition, North Charleston continues to expand its inventory of four-star hotels. As of 2009, there were 7,246 hotel rooms in this area.

As a rule, Charleston Afb City is a safe place to visit if you're a woman. Single women are generally safe, though it is still unsafe to walk alone at night. The city's public transportation axis is relatively safe, but you'll still want to avoid areas with high crime rates. You'll find this area near the Air Force base.