Chesnee, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Chesnee, South Carolina is 15,011 people. There are approximately 5,737 households, and the median home value is $99,102. The average household size is 2.57 people. The projected growth rate is 4.5%. The median household income is $41,199, and the average household income is $48,789. The average household has a male and a female ratio of 0.98.

The city is located in Spartanburg County and extends to Cherokee County to the east. The population of Chesnee is primarily White, with an estimated 3.35% racial/ethnic mix. Chesnee is the only city in South Carolina to have a racial diversity of two percent or more. In addition to white, Chesnee is home to many other races, including African American and Asian.

The Town of Chesnee was historically a small, sparsely-populated area. In the early 1900s, the Carolina Clinchfield and Ohio Railroad Company announced their intention to bring a railroad line through the town. John Cleveland established a land company and began buying up surrounding land. He named the community after his great-grandmother, and the town was incorporated in 1911.

The median age of residents in Chesnee City is 46.7 years old. The number of native-born residents is 98.4%, while the foreign-born population is 29.7%. Compared to the national average of 93.4%, the median age of Chesnee residents is significantly higher. Because Chesnee is not connected to major cities and has limited access to major transportation routes, the population of the city will only increase slightly.