Cowpens, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cowpens is 2,162 as of the 2010 census. The city was founded in 1876 and incorporated in 1880. The area is home to numerous historic sites and churches. The area's average annual income is less than the South Carolina median of $65,712 per person. The median household income in Cowpens is $26,763. In comparison to other cities in the United States, Cowpens has a lower average household income than its neighboring geographies.

For the most recent statistics about the population of Cowpens, South Carolina, visit our Population & Steets page. It contains information about the area's schools, including the state and ZIP code. You can also find a map of Cowpens by using our interactive online map. You can view and print an interactive map of the city or select a satellite view of its streets to get a better idea of the area.

The population of Cowpens, SC is approximately 1.94k. The median home value is $96,500 and the homeownership rate is 65.5%. In Cowpens, SC, most residents commuted by car and drove alone to work. Their commute time was 25 minutes on average. Approximately 2 cars were registered in each household. The median household income in Cowpens, SC is $26,959.

The most common industry in Cowpens is manufacturing, followed by health care & social assistance, and accommodation & food services. About 24% of people in Cowpens obtained a master's, professional, or doctorate degree. The city's occupations fall into three categories: service sector, white-collar, and blue-collar. Despite the high-income status of its residents, South Carolina exports more than any other state.