Edisto Island, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for an Edisto Island home for sale, you may be wondering how to find it. Here's a look at the population and steets of Edisto Island, SC. The city has a diverse population, with a mixture of ages, race, and gender. Read on for more information. You may also be interested in these other Edisto Island facts.

Population and steets of Edisto Island are a good way to decide which neighborhood is right for you. Make sure the houses aren't all alike; they should have their own unique character. Find a place where there is plenty of parking for your car, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your style. Also, look for well-maintained homes in an area. They can be a good sign of friendly neighbors.

Although the region's population grew faster than the state and metropolitan areas, 15 percent of the population was still below the federal poverty line in 1989. That figure doesn't include the entire Edisto River Basin, which includes the Jehossee, Otter, and Pine Islands. These regions are protected by a series of laws and regulations that ensure they will continue to be so. This makes Edisto Island City one of the most natural areas in the entire region.