Ehrhardt, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For the most accurate Ehrhardt crime data, check out our Crime Grade map. Ehrhardt is generally safe, with only nine crimes committed per 1,000 residents each year. The crime rate is also ranked by the severity of crimes, indicating which areas are most unsafe. The city is in the 30th percentile of safe cities, with 70 percent being safer than Ehrhardt. But the city may be safer than it appears because many crime-prone areas are also located nearby.

There are several large cities near Ehrhardt, SC. These large cities typically have large airports. You may want to look for flights from these airports to Ehrhardt. Otherwise, you may want to look at nearby cities with lower prices. If you're looking to spend a weekend or two exploring the area, try searching for flights from nearby cities. It's not difficult to find flights within 63 miles of Ehrhardt, SC. Just make sure to check the flight times before you buy a plane ticket.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Ehrhardt City population is 2,614 people. This is slightly higher than the state average, but the median house value and foreign-born population are significantly below the state average. In addition, the median age of residents is 44. And finally, the percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree or higher is significantly below the state average. If you want to find out more about Ehrhardt City's demographics, check out our Census Bureau Web site!